UPC: 843563181737
Format: CD
Release Date: December 13, 2024
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Whispers is Nitisart “Mike” Chaiburi – Vocals, Kitti “Ole” Suwan – Guitar, Weerayuth ”Neung”Klibpratum – Guitar, Tanin “Get” Meemongkol – Bass, Piyawut “Es” Thongprakob – Drums Self-designated as “Bangkok Evilcore” Whispers, based out of Thailand, are bringing animmense sound to modern metallic hardcore. Originally formed in 2014, the band picked upsteam in 2021 with the release of their Narok Bon Din EP grabbing international attention. NowWhispers join the growing roster of pivotal heavy music label Flatspot Records for the release ofYom Ma Lok. Hitting the studio in Spring 2024, Whispers set out to make a heavy, intense record thatconnects on an emotional level. The band worked with Suchai at Sixthirty Recording Studio inBangkok to hone in on their sound, before sending the EP to Andy Nelson at BrickTopRecording for mixing and Brad Boatright at Audiosiege mastered it. Influence from bands like AllOut War and Merauder comes through across the seven songs, giving a tough as nails deliverypacked with menacing riffs. Thematically, Yom Ma Lok addresses realism and human naturethrough a global perspective. Yom Ma Lok opens with the aptly titled, instrumental “Bangkok Evilcore” before diving into thecrushing “A Choice To Survive.” A hostile delivery is juxtaposed by lyrics of self-reliance basedon proverbs from Buddhism. Speed’s Jem Siow, who also assisted with lyric translations on thealbum, guest features at the 2:50 mark of the song amidst a crushing breakdown. Lead single“Retribution” exemplifies the band’s ability to deliver a grappling hardcore song made for themosh-pit while showcasing a knack for serious guitar writing. The guest features on the EPcontinue as Shaun Alexander of Despize and Stephen Bessac of Kickback lend their vocals to“Wisenheimer” and “Yom Ma Lok” respectively. Closing out with the title track, which translatesto “world of death people” or “underworld” in Thai, Whispers conjures the feeling of descendinginto hell and leaves the listener with a stark impression. Over the years, Whispers has brought their menacing live show across Southeast Asia, Japan,and Europe, and will return to the latter this fall on the Flatspot World tour. With the release ofYom Ma Lok, Whispers are setting out to spread the message and sound of Asian hardcore farand wide.
- Bangkok Evilcore
- A Choice To Survive
- Retribution
- Close Your Eyes
- This Is Not The End
- Wisenheimer (You Were Never One Of Us)
- Yom Ma Lok